Smart Choices

Coming Together

In excess of 93 million tons of fruits and vegetables are targeted at the UK market annually – up to 46% of this is wasted due to  delivery logistics, mechanics and consumption issues. Transportation associated with fruits & vegetables adds up to 36% of the total food mile emissions in the UK. More people than ever nowadays really think carefully about where their food comes from. Is it locally produced? Is it sustainably grown? How is it packaged? What are the waste implications?

The Cabbage Shack Project is a charitable business bringing sustainably sourced fresh fruit & vegetables directly into the community. Our aim is to allow people to help the environment by making informed choices when buying their fresh produce. We only supply seasonal products  - you get fresher, sweeter and perfectly ripe produce that tastes better and best of all it's so much cheaper to buy. We use traditional type carts to cut omissions and encourage customers to provide their own carriers. There is always going to be some surplus, but through our partnership affiliations we deliver it free of charge to the Salvation Army who use the produce in their food banks and soup kitchens locally. The remainder is split between Stonebridge City Farm Community Charity and the RSPCA East Midlands. This is how we achieve Zero Waste.


The media reported recently that since the pandemic the UK is now more than ever in the grip of loneliness and isolation with a quarter of people admitting that they don’t even know their neighbour's name. Nearly two thirds (63%) of people admit to feeling lonely and isolated – experts say many people will go one week to the next without speaking to someone else – the claim is made that this points directly to a breakdown in traditional community spirit.

The Cabbage Shack Project offers a return to those more traditional methods of community-conscious service, bringing people together again to offer support, kindness and a sense of belonging. During these very testing times for us all, food and healthy choices are things we can all share. Our goal is to offer our communities a weekly facility that offers a social element to it, meeting neighbours and friends for a chat at the Cabbage Shack Cart once a week - perhaps popping an order of fresh fruit and veg 'round to someone who can't get out that day, a friend or a new neighbour.

Monthly hamper raffles and competitions for children are organised, along with live recipe demonstrations and ideas for sustainable diets including vegan and mediterranean options. The Cabbage Shack Project offers local communities a chance to help themselves and each other by coming together to make good choices for all. Why not look out for us when we come to your area? Notices will be posted regularly on the website  and locally as to when we will be with you.

We support

Achieving Zero Waste

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